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Petra Beishuizen

Petra Beishuizen, founder of the Holistic Practice HUB in the Netherlands

Petra Beishuizen is a lawyer, mediator (vFAS/MfN) and partner in the law firm of Delissen Martens in The Hague. Furthermore, she is employed as a lecturer for the vocational training of lawyers, an accredited intervision supervisor and skilled in NLP, Hellinger and systemic work.
Petra attended spiritual training courses at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted in the field of mediumship, spiritual healing and meditation. She is a member of the mediation department of the NIP, fellow of the IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyers) and a member of the Association of Collaborative Professionals  (Vereniging van Collaboratieve Professionals – VvCP).

She publishes on a regular basis about her views, appears on TV and radio and at symposia throughout the Netherlands. Her mediations extend from Bangkok to The Hague.

Petra is founder of the Holistic Practice HUB, founder and senior lecturer of the training for Holistic Practice Lawyer/Practitioner.